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Showing posts from August, 2014

Roles and Responsibilities Refresher for the Prudent Plan Fiduciary

Fiduciaries of defined contribution retirement plans are under closer scrutiny than ever before. Plan participants are filing lawsuits, the media has increased its attention on fiduciary failures, and during plan audits the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) now routinely asks for evidence of fiduciary training. In light of the potential personal liability, it is imperative that plan fiduciaries understand their responsibilities and adhere to the standards of conduct that apply to them.

Qualified Default Investment Alternatives

Approximately one-third of eligible workers do not participate in their employer-sponsored defined contribution plans, such as ERISA 403(b) and 401(k) plans. Research suggests that almost all of these workers would choose to remain participants if they were automatically enrolled. The increased savings would significantly improve their retirement security and may result in improved workplace satisfaction.